Ralf Jochen Moser



rjm started and organized the project “AiD ART M” as chairman of the AiD Kunstbetrieb together with his cochair woman Hannah Moser.

rjm founded the Ateliers im Delta (AiD) Kunstbetrieb GmbH together with his daughter Hannah Moser. AiD Kunstbetrieb is becoming the home of several platforms of fine art: AiD artist books, AiD book editions, AiD artist editions, and AiD TM42. AiD fosters artists in their work and their projects with coaching, production, publishing, and curating services.


rjm was appointed to the board of the Künstlerbund Rhein-Neckar.


rjm founded the Ateliers im Delta (AiD) gGmbH together with his daughter Hannah Moser. AiD fosters young artists in their work and their projects with financial support, art prizes and awards.


rjm developed the volume structure of the Carpe Diem et Noctem


rjm retired early from SAP to focus on AiD. He started the project “Wegweiser für kluge Avantgardisten” (short name: Wegweiser; Guide for Smart Avant-Gardists) as fine art project which sets the scene for the lifetime learning in TM42. He ended his first cycle of being a metal rat. In Chinese Astrology, 2020 is considered a year of new beginnings and renewals.


rjm’s last year of being a Business Solution Architect of SAP’s Suite Architecture.


AiD went to the first Discovery Art Fair in Frankfurt. They presented their artist editions and artist books as a producer gallery.

rjm organized and implemented the “Talk Fotografie – Künstleringeneiur”. (Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen).


rjm started and organized the project “Eden”. The “Giftbox” was established and dedicated as artist space. The AiD artist books as well as the AiD artist editions came into being.


Start of the project “Mein christliches Testament” and the TM42 series “Und erlöse uns von dem Übel”.

The new architectural and constructional apprenticeship was finished from a scientific point of view. rjm decided to implement it through his artwork and through TM42 because fine art can be an anchor for daily routines to think about problems that are relevant for finding meaning in one’s life and which everyday philosophy did not solve.


His first artistbook “Die aristotelischen Wurzeln von Wahrheit und Vernunft“ was published and the first format of AiD artist books was created. It included the earliest “Denkzettel”.


rjm organized an implemented the “Talk Fotografie – Die Wandelhallen des ewigen Donners“ (Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen).


rjm started the project “Die Wandelhallen des ewigen Donners” with the series “Die aristotelischen Wurzeln von Wahrheit und Vernunft“ as an interdisciplinary fine art project.


AiD Theatrum Mundi 42 – all the world’s a stage – (TM42) started with its first plays.


rjm was a founding member of the Ateliers im Delta (AiD). He labeled the branches of his atelier with Latin identifiers: carpe diem et noctem (artistic philosophy), camera obscura et magica (artistic photography), in omnibus veritas (artistic model building with cybernetic metalevels).


The new architectural and constructional apprenticeship was rebuild in a scientific way based on mathematical languages, a semantic architecture for truth and an implementation of a semantic engine based on complex modelbuilding with metalevels like in cybernetics.


rjm published his first book for modeling complex organizations and business processes. It is the first framework for the New Techne and its new architectural and constructional apprenticeship.


rjm was a founding member of the Business Solution Architects Group (BSAG) at SAP. This process enabled him to turn his hobby into his career by advising SAP customers on business architecture.


rjm headed a project for the development of a new business architecture for all of SAP Financials.


rjm worked as Development Manager contributing significantly to the architecture of SAP R3.


rjm joined SAP (SAP-Token: qrm; personnel number: 220)


rjm served 15 months of military service developing software for the Fernmeldekommando 850. He was awarded with the “Verdienstkreuz der Bundeswehr in Bronze” (the Bronze Cross of Merit) for his achievements.


rjm studied Business Informatics under Franz Steffens, Cybernetics under Gert von Kortzfleisch and Epistemology under Hans Albert at the University of Mannheim.


rjm was born in the city of reason Mannheim on May 30, 1960, year of the metal rat.

Solo and Group Exhibitions

2024     (G) AiD ART M, Raum S4 17, alte Stadtgalerie Mannheim

2024     (G) “SQUARE OF OPPOSITION” in der Galerie Hafemann, Wiesbaden

2023     (G) Stand der Dinge, Künstlerbund Rhein-Neckar, Rosengarten Mannheim

2023     (G) Bitburg Art, Bitburg

2022     (G) Die Metaebenen des Geistes, des Lernens, der Kunst und des Lebens, Giftbox

2022     (G) Discovery Art Fair, Köln

2021     (S) Das Herstellen des Heiligen, Giftbox

2020     (G) Discovery Art Fair, Frankfurt

2019     (G) Discovery Art Fair, Frankfurt

2019     (G) Discovery Art Fair, Köln

2018     (G) Discovery Art Fair, Frankfurt

2017     (G) Eden, Organisation der Ausstellung, 11 Künstler im Abbruchhaus Ludwigshafen

2016     (G) Mein christliches Testament, 5 Jahre Breidenbach, Heidelberg

2014     (S) Die Wandelhallen des ewigen Donners, Ausstellung und Talk Fotografie

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